Results & Certifications Package
Statistic/Result Department spends significant amount of time and efforts in
producing the exams results and calculating the GPA and CGPA. Such time
and efforts affect other areas of performance improvement within the
university that can be achieved by the same resources.
Results module automates the production of results and GPA calculation,
and speeds up the process with accuracy, sparing significant time in
analyzing the results and produce more effective analytical data, and free
intervals for productive thinking.
Manage results template & tools
Automatic grading
GPA / CGPA automatic calculation
Manage Academic decision
Prepares results for faculty and senate approva
Issue of certificates cycle involves student files fetching and paper
verification each and every time a certificate is requested for more
handwriting and typing works that involve corrective actions and repetition.
Certificates Module reduce time and cost of preparing students different
certificates because it’s integrated with the restriction module. Hence no
need for student manual clearance or Manuel verifications.
Certificates module allows users to preview the certificates (in preview
mode) before printing. On the other hand with this module management
can trace how many certificates were printed during certain period.
Certificates Module provides On-line Print of certificates with optional design
and layout for both detailed and graduation certificate.